Deactivate - Pause or Delete your Email address

Knowledge base > Your email ids > Deactivate - Pause or Delete your Email address

Silent deactivate email id

Go to "Email IDs" tab, after logging into Mutant Mail dashboard.

Here you will be shown a list of all your email ids.

Deactivate Alias

Just toggle the switch in the column named "Active", to de-activate alias.

Note : This will silently discard all the emails sent by anyone to this email id. No bounce back will be sent to the sender, neither emails will be forwarded to you.

Deleting Email ID

Delete are of two types in Mutant Mail.

One we call soft delete and other one actual delete.

Two types of delete are needed due to our catch-all feature.

To use either of these options go to "Email IDs" tab on Mutant Mail.

To see delete/forget option, click on "Triple dot icon" on the same row of your associated email id.

When to use Delete Option

Delete option is used when you want to delete an email (that you don't want) but want to keep your catch-all enabled for your domain.

This is a soft delete and a marker is kept in the database, which contribute towards your account limit.

Reason for using this option is, if we don't keep a marker, this email will keep on getting created and forward you email, everytime someone sends an email on the email id.

This is because of catch-all. So the soft marker will prevent it from happening and send a bounce back to the sender.

When to use Forget Option

Forget option is the actual delete.

No markers or records are kept in our database when this option is used.

If you delete an email id on your domain, it can be re-created anytime want it back.

This should be your preferred way for deleting emails, if you don't have catch-all enabled on your domain.

This option will free up count in your accounts email id limit.

How to recover an Email ID you deleted with "Delete option"

If you used Delete option on a email id and want to retrieve or use forget option on it.

Just goto "Email IDs" tab on Mutant Mail dashboard.

Change the dropdown option from "Hide Deleted" to "Show Deleted" and all your email ids deleted with "delete option" will be displayed.

You can use the "triple dot menu" to restore it or forget it completely.